Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lurking in the Lower

July 3rd was an extremely interesting day, it was the count down to my BIRTHDAY...LOL..And a chance for me to hang out with my crazy cuddies. The journey began with me leaving the Bronx on the 4 train to 14th street. Man, that station is hot as balls anyway I ended up walking to The ReedSpace (if you don't know what that is you should really come out from under that rock. Its a whole world of things to see) As always Jeff Staple couldn't help but to make fun of me. Jerry, Amanda and Yu were all there to wish me a happy early birthday.To my surprise I later encountered two friends from work..Vashtie and Steven and a new addition to the crew. She was interesting not to mention kinda cute. We tried to catch a movie but as always SOLDOUT was the game we were forced to play. This gave us an opportunity to sit around in StarBucks and talk crap for hours. I ran into my Broz, Jake and Jah Jah
killing the streets on their bikes. We than grabbed some pizza and headed out. We ran into all kinds of people yesterday and oddly enough most of them had birthdays that were in the month of July. It was an epic day in a nut shell.

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