Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Its a MAD MAD world.

So everyone already know how krazy things can get. So its always kool to have something that allows you a break from reality. I find my outlet in a bunch of krazy things. In this post we ganna hit on Video games ( oh snap i can feel the crotch area of my jeans getting tighter )

I hope the cardboard box you call home comes with cable so you can check out this dope TV spot for Mercenaries 2:

The song alone made this one a must have. here is some game play footage

With the launch of Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Pandemic Studios is giving away free gas at a Los Angeles gas station until the pumps run dry. (Talk about a sick promo. budget. isn't gas like hella dollarz?!)
What started at 6AM this morning is still causing a banoodles line to snake down the street and cause traffic jams and some small fender benders all around the pit stop at 8489 Beverly Blvd. The "Petrol to the People" event will also cover the entire gas station with Mercs 2 branding, promo flyers will be handed out, and the free gas will pumped by actors posing as the three main characters in the game.

Now on to another pants creamer, from the developers of Call Of Duty aka COD comes the mind splitting awesome first person shooter call Legendary. This game brings a whole other level of awesome to the table.
< if a picture is a thousand words then this video is like a college thesis.

Just like all families dirty little secret. some worse than others like uncles Charles who stays in the back room and has flash backs and chases the kids around with kitchen knives. The guilty pleasure know as Rock band is releasing part 2!!!
here is a lil something thats ganna wet your raw denims all up.

To finish you off just right like a canal street happy ending. I bring you the Number one Lady of Lust of Greeks from Near and Nerds from far. Miss Laura Croft of Tomb Raider( "lets out a sound similar to a dying cat then yells dont touch me , dont touch me ..ahhhh")She is back and her two buddies have only gotten better. No Nervert (Nerd + Pervert =.Nervert) .i mean her 2 guns she carries.

Until we meet again try not to toy with your joy stick too much you can go blind from that and most of us are already wearing glasses.

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